What is the lifespan of a hepa filter?

The recommendation for routine replacement of the HEPA filter is every 10 years. I recommend changing the HEPA filter every 150 days, about 8 hours a day, or about every 1000 hours. You can adjust the number based on the number of hours you use it per day. How often a filter would need to be replaced depends largely on the laboratory environment in which the biological safety cabinet is used. If the BSC is installed and used in a clean room, the filters could last forever.

On the other hand, if the BSC was installed in an environment where there are a lot of particles, the filters won't last as long. To create a standard for the average lifespan of filters, NuAire reviewed data on when HEPA filters were replaced. Based on the analysis of these data, NuAire discovered that filters usually last around 7 years. on average.

This report supports the idea that HEPA filters can operate safely and efficiently with proper maintenance beyond the 10-year lifespan established by the DOE. That said, “the energy savings provided by these new motor designs can actually offset the savings of having to replace HEPA filters more often.” The DC ECM can be programmed to provide a constant air volume even when the HEPA filter is charged with particles. This airflow control system can be programmed to provide maximum containment performance along with maximum usage. allowed for HEPA filters.

Using the results of the four age assessment approaches, they collectively point to the reasonable operating life of the HEPA filter of 20 years. However, like HEPA filters, these filters will eventually reach their maximum capacity and will no longer be able to remove any more gases from the household air. The analysis provides reasonable assurance that, when implemented using a phased approach with well-defined operational and performance requirements, extending the lifespan of HEPA filters beyond 10 years poses a low risk. In addition, the airflow control system can be precisely adjusted to ensure maximum containment performance and maximum allowable use of filters.

HEPA. The uniform distribution of particles, together with the balance between downflow and inflow, will provide maximum cabinet containment performance and extend the life of the HEPA filter. However, with the use of new energy efficient motors that are used in most newer BSC models, the expected lifespan of a HEPA filter can be reduced.